Friday, September 08, 2006

what am I doing?...

I was putting together a video presentation for the AIDS Benefit Evening we're having next weekend. It didn't take long before I had tears streaming down my face - alone in my office at work...great time to get all emotional. Face after face cried out a name - these were someone's children...parents...friends...and I had to ask myself, what am I doing?!! The "AIDS pandemic" is a common household term, and yet do we really understand the profound impact this is having on the infrastructure of Africa and it's people? What do we have to see to join forces to actually make an impact on the devestation? And it's not just Africa...the world is full of needs, one can hardly know where to begin! And yet so often we do nothing, or just enough to appease our conscience. Will God's people awaken from their complacent slumber to find it is too late?


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