Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Seeing thru spiritual eyes...

So isn't always what we expect, is it? At the beginning of the summer I asked God to help me see thru spiritual eyes...not just physical ones. Who would have thought such a simple request would create such challenges?! All I can tell you (without delving too deeply into my "personal" stuff!) is that things aren't always as they seem. Sometimes our physical eyes overlook what truly is important in life...First impressions of people can be marred by the externals rather than taking the time to see the internals. Broken hearts are not visible behind a brave smile. Hurting peeps are shunned because of what they wear or how they talk. Our minds are a jury, convicting and dismissing at the will of what registers in the orbs. Who will take the time to see past the masks and to the heart? To a soul? To a new beginning...


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