Wednesday, March 10, 2010

biographic moment

My life is a calamity of the random...
segmented thoughts that form obscure sentences in a strangely coherent prose.
I am a pair of chic leather boots and high top cons out for a night on the town.
My clothes hang in boutique racks and surf shops...
nothing in my closet matches.
From melancholy to metal - my life is filled with sound.
I am a string quartet garden party
in the middle of a mosh pit.
I've sat on the sidelines of runways and pitches,
a two-step of ballet meeting hip hop.
I could spend an afternoon sitting in a gallery
or on the subway talking to strangers.
I love people.
Short and skinny
Tall and fat
Famous and homeless...
I am a romance of Jane Austen hooking up with Marvel.
I am a city girl who loves the country .
I surf the web and oceans
I am a collage of styles,
A patchwork of environments.
I am not "a" genre
I am a collection
spontaneously penned
uniquely defined
awkwardly executed.
I find strength
through faith
in things I have not seen.
I am an oxymoronic parody...
anticipated serendipity.
There are parts misplaced,
leftover screws after assembly,
seasons hidden in shells yet uncracked...
yet somewhere amidst the chaos
and gong shows
it all makes sense.

This is my life...