Monday, October 27, 2008

scarred for life

I was working the other day, and managed to scratch myself up something fierce...nothing like having a little blood drawn on the clock! As I was bemoaning the fact of my chewed up fingers, an epiphany hit me with the force of a runaway train doing mach speed: the reason guys brag about their scars!
I've never really understood the male fascination and pride with permanent life engravings (and maybe I'm off base and will have to go back to the drawing board of trying to understand the male species) but here's the hat I'm tossing into the ring for today...

(drumroll please)

I think one of the reasons guys love their scars is because they are the maps of a life well lived...permanent reminders of feats accomplished and bragging rights of disaster (and stupidity) survived!

The gash in my forehead from falling off a bike in order to spare my sister permanent tire implants.
The dimple in my foot from having a piece of glass embedded in it for almost a year.
Sports injuries.
Cat fights.
Falling out of trees.
Off brick piles.
Out of golf carts.
My body canvas will never be model material - it has long been weathered with a well-lived (and survived!) life. But you know what? I wouldn't trade my plethora of "doh" moments for a scar-less body ANY day!

And this got me to thinking...
Not only do we wear the scars of a physical life lived,
but the imprints of a spiritual one.

Each of us has been given one life to live on this planet.

Some will embrace this with "carpe dium" - running thru life with a complete abandon that makes sure every moment counts - despite the scratches acquired along the way.
Time is a gift - and they give it without expecting a return.
They love the unloveable.
Touch the untouchable.
They are the phone call away you know will be answered.
They don't keep score - but are given to generosity.
Unconditional love.
They aren't afraid of their mistakes...only not getting up after making one.
They feel disappointments -
the depth of rejection and hurt...
the wounds of those who take advantage...
and still they give -
willingly putting themselves in the line of fire
because they know and understand and love this thing called life
and want to do it well
not just for them
but for others.

And then there are others who will remain in their comfort zones,
Not wanting to risk their hearts to the scratches of vulnerability,
being taken advantage of.
They don't want to be someone's doormat.
Caught up in building up their lives here on earth,
they have forgotten the view of an eternal inheritance.
They don't have time to spare.
They sigh at inconvenience..
They can't be bothered with "other stuff"
because it means investing time...
Faced with the fear of making a mistake or being deceived,
they err on the side of caution
and remain unaffected
and ineffective,
hoping the skin on their teeth is enough
to make the final cut.

Are we grasping the bigger picture here?
If we could choose people to protect our homes, our countries, our kingdoms...
would it be those who are afraid of getting hurt?
those who don't have the time to stay and fight?
or those who are so committed to the cause
that scars would be a small exchange for someone's life.
They would be willing to lay their own lives down
for the freedom and protection of others.

Having been shown this kind of sacrifice by our leadership, makes me wonder what kind of fingerprints we're leaving behind on this thing called life...

At the end of our time here,
will God see a neatly pressed Christian with self-protected interest?
or a wounded, battle-worn soldier who has fought the good fight?
On the battle lines of prayer
or enduring the bruising of real relationships with real people who have real needs.
Becoming vulnerable in a workplace, a community, a family, a church...
exposing themselves to the fire of ridicule
even if only for one life.

Each of us has been given one life to live on this planet.

Will you spend it protecting a life you cannot keep?
or on the front lines living a life you cannot lose?