Friday, December 15, 2006

Just because I can...

So it's not so busy right now...good luck trying to convince any of you of that! Anyways, I finally posted stuff on my flickr account...I'm in the midst of a massive upload. Please be patient if you're wondering why I haven't posted something of you yet! I AM ONLY ONE PERSON WITH SO MANY HOURS IN A DAY!!! Anyways, take a peek...maybe you HAVE made it already!


Blogger Dr. Coopernicus Who said...

i'm disappointed there's no pictures of me...

9:25 PM  
Blogger Flip Flops Anonymous said...

HA!! I have one but, interestingly enough, Jason has TWO!! What is going on Anne?!
(Great pic's by the's awesome that I recognize so many of those faces and that I was there for numerous of those photo shoots!! I feel honoured!!)

1:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is from a previous post...but do you have any info on the child and hald sculpture you posted in november? thanks...

10:29 AM  
Blogger The Bean Bag Chair said...

hey anonymous...
Here's all the info I have...It was done almost 10 years ago by a native suffering from MS who couldn't even raise his arms/hands above his waist! My dad had given him a picture and the guy carved it out of soap stone for him. Best bet is to go into a place that has carvings and see if there is a local carver that will do it for you. G'luck!

10:52 AM  

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