Sunday, August 08, 2010

i believe

So often times we go through life confused...
with so many different thoughts and ideas swarming in our brains,
we find ourselves lost for an absolute.
An anchor point that never changes.
A rock.
There are so many things that vie for our attention.
So many things that question our intellect and understanding...

Did the Americans really land on the moon?
How did they get the caramel in the caramilk bar?
Will I get cancer from looking in a microwave while it's working?

I found this while going through some old cds at work... a statement of faith I had included in a resume.
Reading through it I realized not one of the items had changed.
My belief had not altered or changed on any point.

for those who have a hard time reading the micro-script, here's what it says:
I believe...
in ONE God...
Father. Son. Spirit.
I believe in Jesus Christ:
Creator, Friend, Saviour, King.

I believe that the God who formed me -loves me,
and came from heaven to have a relationship with me.
I believe that He has saved me from my sins,
He has created me with purpose,
and He has gifted me with abilities to expand His kingdom,
bless His people,
and bring Him praise.

It is my joy to follow Him.
It is my desire to serve Him.
It is my privilege to worship Him with all that I am.
In all that I do.
For His glory.

I believe that as He has shown mercy,
I am to show mercy.
As He desires justice -
I am to desire justice.
As He is love -
I am to love.
Heart. Soul. Mind. Strength.
As His follower,
I am called to be His hands.
His feet.
His heart.
I am a part of the body of believers
that lives,
and moves to accomplish His will.
A people that long for nothing short of heaven on earth.

You may echo my thoughts...but I challenge you to write your own.
To think about what you believeand why you believe it.
Don't piggyback on another's faith...
Discover your own.
Discover your Creator in all His fulness
and you will find yourself on a rock.
An anchor point.
In the presence of an unchangeable God.


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