Sunday, May 07, 2006

A Moment of Silence...

Something tragic happened to me today - I lost one of my closest companions. From England, to California, to South America, across Canada and the US...wherever my travelling feet have wandered it has been a part of my daily life and journey. A guide, a comfort, an advisor - I am at a total loss without Bible.
I can't relay the feeling of total loss...thousands of pages tracking my spiritual life over 10 years. Verses from friends and family underlined...favourites highlighted. Notes penned throughout the pages to mark growth and revelation. It was irreplaceable.
It all began with a cup of coffee and being late for the morning service up at the cottage. Caffeine is important to my sleep deprived body...and in my haste I had placed my Bible on the roof of my car. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!! Well, obviously I wasn't, and since I am a professional at misplacing and forgetfulness, I didn't realize till much later that my Bible was missing for good. In my moment of panic, I pressed into the presence of God - begging a miracle. It was in that moment that His voice spoke gently to my heart. "Maybe I allowed your Bible to go missing because I've been trying to speak to you, but you're too familiar with your Bible, and have so much underlined that sometimes you can't read between the lines!" Ouch...
Here I'd become familiar with where things were in my Bible. I had been relying on past experiences and verses to encourage my growth that I couldn't hear what God was trying to speak into my spirit. Retirement was forced upon me, and the prospect of beginning a new journey of listening with another Bible lay before me. But couldn't someone just find my Bible...just so I can keep it as a memento? like an old tattered photo or journal? Silence...
And so I bid adieu to a good friend. Wherever you are - thanx for the journey. I hold a moment of silence in your memory...sniff sniff...I'm such a dork!


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