Thursday, May 04, 2006

Coming out of the Closet...

I got an interesting email in my inbox today that caused a myriad of thought to circulate through my brain...someone I knew decided to "come out of the closet". I imagined how much courage it must take to take that first step out and stand up for what you believe - especially when you face the ridicule and rejection from those around you as you make a choice that may go against your family, your upbringing, and everything "normal".
In saying this, the email I received ended up being a hoax, but it still didn't stop my thought process of what it takes to "come out of the closet". Reminded me of closet Christians...wearing two faces and enduring the long haul of identity crisis. We want to appear "normal" and accepted by the world, and yet a battle wages within our heart that cries out for truth. Are we so sold out to our cause that we could deal with being rejected by those closest to us, ridiculed by society and prepared to be "different" from the norm? So many of us are too comfortable in our closets that we'll live there for the rest of our lives and the world will never know the truth about us...or the truth about God. What will it take to step out? And what will the world look like if we do?


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