Monday, September 15, 2008

i chill with no namers

What does the Queen, Madonna, and I have in common? Trick question...I know - and I can see the rabbit trail some of your brains are taking. I'll dispel the mystery before this gets disastrous. Not only are we all currently located on the planet earth, breathe the same air and poo in toilets, but we are amazingly all sinners, created by the same God - desperately in need of grace. Sometimes we forget that people are simply people...God sees us all on the same playing field.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people name drop. I'm not nattering on about the people who drop names to make passing conversation interesting. I'm talking about the name droppers who can't wait to unleash their latest connection as if it makes them a more important person because of the crossing paths or distant relation. They build these sometimes strangers up onto pedestals of god-like status. And their status depends on who they know. Who they've met. Who they have pictures of and autographs from. What their claim to fame is.

It's funny what we find our identity in.

There are some pretty cool people I have had the amazing opportunity of crossing paths with. Their names may not perk the ears of those in line for the famous - and yet they play an integral part in an unseen world. They are part of the body of Christ. They are the people I get to do life with.

Pastors who lead by sacrifice - living with little and trusting God for big things.
Young couples who live with passion, and give selflessly.
Single mothers who wait in faith on their Provider.
The educated who sacrifice higher paying jobs to serve in seemingly miniscule tasks.
Authors of unpublished books.
Poets of unsung songs.
Givers of awkward hugs.
Hardcore worshippers whose songs continuously echo in the heavens...sometimes in keys unknown to man!
Change makers who live the ridiculous to see cities, countries, continents, planets...transformed and renewed by the spirit of an unseen power.
Servants - Listening. Responding. Obediently.I'm not going to drop any names.
God knows who you are.
You are making a difference in the lives around you
and I am blessed to be able to do life with you.

Too bad the Queen and Madonna aren't as lucky...


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