Wednesday, June 15, 2005

3 years, 3 months, 3 days...

I just had a random thought as I was sitting here...thought I'd blog it just for fun (lucky you!) And for those of you who don't know what's happening 3 years, 3 months and 3 days from now - well, I'm going to be celebrating the very momentous birthday of turning 30! Yep! The big freakin' 3-0! Gosh...where does the time go?!! I can't say I'm afraid of the number itself (I mean, 30 is a spit in the bucket when I look at turning infinity in eternity!) I guess I've just been caught up with trying to be forever young (yes, I still sleep with a stuffed animal...looooooooooooong story!) that I forget how much time I've actually had to breathe in and out on this planet.
At moments like this, one can pause and look back on all the "firsts" life has brought...first day of school, first pair of glasses (hello Urkle!), first job, first time on a plane, first time being an aunt, first time out of the house...first car (yeah Casper!). But in looking back, you can't help but anticipate the "firsts" yet to happen...first home I can call my own, first trip to Africa (working on it!), first kiss (yeah...I'm still waiting on that!), first book to be published...Life is full of firsts - no matter what the digits are! From the first heartbeat to the first face to face with God, our lives are continually blessed with new mercies every day. Awesome, isn't it?
And yet before you get caught up thinking of all the super cool things you have experienced or have yet to live...a couple verses come to mind that I want to share with you ( usual there is a point!)
" then each of us shall give account of himself to God..." (Romans 14:12)
Think of your life lived so far...all the things you are accountable for...all the time that you've spent. Looking back at the seeming vastness of the time God has granted me with so far, I feel so inadequate in my feeble attempts to be faithful to the only thing that has truly been worth anything on this planet.
"...for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment..." (Matthew 12:36)
This verse alone is convicting enough! For those of you who know my gift of gab firsthand, you know the HEAP of words that I have spoken. And in looking at the content of those words in light of Christ and His timeless sacrifice on the cross - I see a lack of precision and direction. I see a squandered use of time and breath. And don't get me wrong - there is a lot to be said for small talk! But how purposeful are we in our words? And what about the account we will have to make on words that we missed the opportunity to a lost or hurting soul? Our time here is a gift...may we never grow weary with being intentional with the words that come out of our mouth - to build up and encourage, to bless, to speak the truth of God!
And as the newness of life continues to unfurl before us, may it never be said of us that we have forgotten our first love...JESUS CHRIST!


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