Wednesday, May 11, 2005

one eye eye before

There's something amusing about looking back over your life and seeing where you have come from. I spent the evening mulling over my scribblings from past years - be that poetry, journal entries (now there was a good laugh!) and stories. I had to shake my head at thoughts that had once entangled my brain, faces that had caused my heart to flutter, and perplexions blown out of proportion - that seem so small and insignificant now.
I hope you enjoy the fragments I have chosen to share with you. Some of them are the transition of writing styles is interesting to map out - and yet each represents a leg of the journey through thought, heart and faith. Some cling as a painful reminder that lies in the phrase of history repeating itself...others remain as a testimony of the reality our lives need to endure in the ever-continuing process of refining.

When you feel the shadows, it helps you appreciate the light!

May we remember the pathways we've travelled that have led us to this point in our life - they have made us who we are...but do not resign your life to be held by these memories. Press on! There are so many promising things ahead...and by emptying our hands of the best of the times we've lived so far, we allow God to fill our futures with things that far exceed anything we've experienced before. May God continue to forge a pathway of new dreams...


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